Why Jiu Jitsu?? A women’s perspective on the gentle art!


I am so excited to be leading the women’s Diamondheart Jiu Jitsu program at Physical Culture Collective! When I started jiu jitsu in 2012, I had no idea what a massive impact it was going to have on my life. Sometimes, it’s tough for me to remember what it’s like to have a week without spending several hours rolling on the floor with my friends.

One of my favorite things about jiu jitsu is how challenging it is mentally - every round brings a new puzzle to solve and a fresh new game. Each player brings his or her own strengths and abilities to each match: someone’s faster, someone’s stronger, someone’s more flexible, someone’s more technical, someone’s more patient. Anyone can win!

Through the Diamondheart program, I have the opportunity to share my love of this fantastic sport with you - to create and solve puzzles together, to find the grace in a good sweep and the beauty in a perfect angle. To support and challenge each other in a safe, welcoming space.

Physical Culture Collective has an amazing community of women - I can’t wait to see you on the mats!